
Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA)

CARTA is a virtual organization formed in order to promote transdisciplinary research into human origins, drawing on methods from a number of traditional disciplines spanning the humanities, social, biomedical, biological, computational & engineering and physical & chemical sciences.

Chainwatch - AI/ML Anomaly Detection in Blockchain Network Data Flows

Using the new Intel/Habana advanced AI platform in a HPC environment, the goal of this project is to build and test an advanced AI/ML model to detect anomalous behaviour in blockchain network data flows.

Climate and Wildfire Institute: Forest Data Hub

The lack of integration and management of data across agencies, institutions, research centers, and NGOs hinders our ability to analyze and use the valuable data we have available to us. To more effectively (and quickly) inform policy options and alternatives, the Forest Data Hub is being developed to utilize an information modeling approach that is informed by on-the-ground conditions and models.


NSF funded CloudBank is a cloud access entity that helps the computer science community access and use public clouds for research and education by delivering a set of managed services designed to simplify access to public clouds.

Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind

The Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) at UCSD is a virtual environment unhampered by disciplinary boundaries, providing scientists with opportunities for effective interdisciplinary integration of research and knowledge.

National Data Platform

The National Data Platform, or NDP, is a federated and extensible data ecosystem to promote collaboration, innovation, and equitable use of data on top of existing cyberinfrastructure capabilities.

OpenForest4D - A web- based cyberinfrastructure platform for next generation 4D forest mapping and monitoring

NSF funded project to generate high-resolution forest structure maps and accurate Above Ground Biomass estimates derived from fusion of multi-source satellite remote sensing data, statistical modeling, and AI/ML techniques. 

Funding: NSF awards 2409885, 2409886 and 2409887

OpenTopography - An AI-ready Cyberinfrastructure Facility for Advancing Our Understanding of a Changing Earth

NSF funded OpenTopography project facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources.

Funding: NSF awards 24107992410800 and 241801
Past Funding: NSF awards 1948997, 1948994 and 1948857

Open Science Chain - Integrity Services

NSF funded Open Science Chain - Integrity Services aims to strengthen cybersecurity controls with the application of blockchain technology primitives to preserve the integrity and the provenance of public and private data assets on research platforms and hubs.

WIFIRE Science & Technology Commons

As a NIST-supported initiative, the mission of the Wildfire Science & Technology Commons is to build a collaborative transdisciplinary community to forge coalitions, align science and technology efforts, and accelerate exploration with open data, models, and streamlined tools.

Past Projects

A novel GNSS-based terrestrial water storage time series for the nation

NASA project leverages Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS, which includes the Global Positioning System) data from NASA's SESES program to produce a data product that maps terrestrial water storage changes over the continental United States at unrivaled spatiotemporal resolution, with latencies of one week or less.
Funding: NASA ROSES National Climate Assessment NNX16AG30G 

Advanced discovery, processing, and visualization services for ICESat and ICESat-2 altimeter data (OpenAltimetry)

The NASA funded project is developing cyberinfrastructure that will enable users, both novice and expert users across different science specializations to discover, process and visualization ICESat and ICESat-2 data via a powerful, interactive interface.
Funding: NASA ACCESS Award NNX16AL89A 

American Red Cross Safe and Well List / Cyberinfrastructure Preparedness for Emergency Response and Relief: Learning the lessons from Hurricane Katrina 

The American Red Cross Safe and Well Website is a service provided by the American Red Cross (ARC) for use by victims of disasters in the US, and their loved ones. The Safe and Well list service was an idea that originated during Hurricane Katrina when researchers at SDSC worked in close conjunction with the American Red Cross to provide such a site for victims of Katrina (and, soon thereafter, Hurricane Rita).

Analytical WorkBench for Social Media Analytics

Analytical WorkBench for Social Media Analytics (AWESOME) is a polystore-based system to support social data analytics. The AWESOME polystore can support relational, semistructured, graph and text data and houses a Spark computation engine. A salient feature of the system is that it is designed for handling cross-model derived data that are produced in course of the analysis process.

Big Data Benchmarking

The objective of this project is to develop an end-to-end application-layer benchmark for big data applications to enable ranking of big data systems according to a well-defined, verifiable/audited performance metric, with an accompanying efficiency metric.

Big Data Top 100

The BigData Top100 List is a new collaborative effort between academia and industry to develop definitions and specifications for big data benchmarking and support publication of benchmark results, blending approaches from high performance computing ( and transaction processing and database systems (Transaction Processing Council, TPC).

California Teachers Study

California Teachers Study enables widespread research on cancer, the data provided by participants has allowed researchers to study the causes of multiple other cancers and diseases.

CloudStor: Data Intensive Computing in the Cloud

The objective of the CloudStor project is to explore new strategies and technologies for data-intensive cloud computing; investigate application profiles that benefit from this paradigm; and, develop corresponding applications. The CloudStor group is interested in evaluating the performance and price/performance of alternative, dynamic strategies for provisioning data intensive applications based on parallel database systems versus Hadoop.


The NSF funded CyberGIS project advances the science of CyberGIS, with a particular focus on enabling the analysis of big spatial datasets, computationally intensive spatial analysis and modeling, and collaborative geospatial problem solving and decision-making.

Cyberinfrastructure for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CYCORE)

UCSD researchers working with cancer researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas to develop a comprehensive, state-of-the-art cyberplatform to enable large-scale and robust comparative effectiveness research across the neoplastic continuum, i.e., from cancer prevention, to cancer treatment, and ultimately, to cancer control and survivorship care.


DELPHI is a platform that enables integrated access and analysis of all data relevant to health. This platform promotes a more rapid development of empowering, data-driven health apps and tools by a broad community of health-related software developers.

Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)

The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is a single virtual system that scientists can use to interactively share computing resources, data, and expertise. XSEDE replaces and expands on the NSF TeraGrid project.

Geosciences Network (GEON)

GEON is a collaborative research project among a dozen PI institutions, funded by the NSF Information Technology Research (ITR) program, to develop cyberinfrastructure for Earth Science data sharing and integration.

Funding:, 0744229

Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES)

The NEES Cyberinfrastructure Center (NEESit) is a service-focused organization created to deliver information technology tools and infrastructure to enable earthquake engineers to remotely participate in experiments, perform hybrid simulations, organize and share data, and collaborate with colleagues.

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) will collect data across the United States on the impacts of climate change, land use change and invasive species on natural resources and biodiversity. NEON will be the first observatory network of its kind designed to detect and enable forecasting of ecological change at continental scales over multiple decades.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Portal

The objective of the NMR Portal project is to develop a central location for the data collected by researchers and students using any of the NMR facilities at UCSD.

Open Science Chain

Open Science Chain utilizes distributed ledger technology (consortium blockchain) to securely store information about scientific data including its provenance to enable independent verification of its authenticity to establish trust in the research community.


Spatiotemporal Analysis of 9-1-1 Call Stream Data

Analysis of 9-1-1 call stream data will provide a better understanding of the spatiotemporal patterns of emergency calls and their correlation to external events. Predictive models built with this data can lead to real-time decision support and better overall planning to enable more efficient and effective response to emergencies.

Tropical Ecological Assessment and Monitoring Network

The goal of the TEAM Network project is to scale up ecological studies to global proportions. This ambitious initiative is devoted to monitoring long-term trends in biodiversity and by establishing networks of tropical field stations and standardized methods of data collection so that scientists anywhere on Earth can quantify at the pace at which we are saving tropical ecosystems.